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Helping immigrants acquire the skills needed to build better futures for themselves, their families, and their communities
Learning English is critical for individuals to advance in their careers, support their children’s educational success, and participate fully and equitably in their community. The Crimsonbridge Foundation partners with English language programs to expand successful models, innovate through curriculum, and implement new technology. We make strategic investments for organizations to catalyze, seed innovation, and build organizational capacity to reach new learners.
Since 2015, our community partners have provided affordable and high-quality English language instruction for more than 12,000 adults in the Greater Washington region.
In the Greater Washington region, the demand for adult English language programs is high. The Crimsonbridge Foundation’s goal is to support organizations striving to innovate and strategically advance their programs to best meet the needs of English language learners in the region.
Our partnerships have helped organizations:
Design hybrid class models and digital learning tools
Create mobile apps for English language learners to obtain additional instruction time outside of class.
Build a navigator system for English language learners at a local community college seeking to transition to academic or workforce training programs.
Develop industry-specific English language curricula focused on skills development in the culinary arts and hospitality.
Launch a culturally competent plan to pilot ESOL classes serving hard-to-reach populations.
Design a customized curriculum that combines academic and vocational learning, responding to the needs of students.
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