The Crimsonbridge Foundation is pleased to share "Fostering Student Belonging and Connectedness in College: A Scoping Review", the product of a unique research fellowship facilitated through Grantmakers for Education and the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE). Through this partnership, the Crimsonbridge Foundation worked with Summer Fellow, Dr. Janelle Clay of Georgia State University to research what belonging interventions have been used in colleges and what impact they have had on academic success, emotional and social integration, and retention in the last ten years.

This study highlighted the importance of fostering a sense of belonging as a pathway to supporting student success, particularly for first-generation and other underrepresented students who may face additional challenges in higher education. It also highlights the need for longitudinal studies on the impact of belonging interventions to understand how they are addressing students' needs for more supportive spaces, community, and connection in college.
To learn more, visit the Research and Publications page.